(LPHS) 1st detail page added
I have added the first page. This is called “about” and is selectable to the left of this text. This area will expand as more pages are added detailing the bully history’s. Page titles will include the teachers bullied, the Ministry, the Minister and the PPTA etc. We will be examining these groups in detail and critiquing their actions or lack of. We will be using the “Official Information Act” to gather detail and deliver maximum accuracy and we will be naming the perpetrators of the bullying and exposing unethical actions. Tell as many people in education as can. This Should get very interesting
Filed under: Back ground, LPHS, Minedu, Minister, PPTA | Tagged: Bullied, Harassed from work, Incompetence, PPTA, Publicly funded employer Abuse of Power
Your atrlice perfectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!