Milestones reached and new Link on Bullying in NZ Workplaces

Well we have been going for just over a month now and we are fully searchable on Google and we have reached over a 1000 page views and over 100 users.  It seems teacher bullying is major in New Zealand.  I have added a new link (Workplace Bullying) it makes interesting reading and I would […]

Why the Obsession with Secrecy at LPHS – What’s being Hidden?

Back to the secrecy. Why does the Board of Trustees at LPHS need this, why do the management staff need an indemnity including themselves if everything is above the radar. I would suggest that any new board coming into governorship make it a priority to examine the past. To free the teachers who have been bullied from their positions from this onerous contractual clause and get to the truth, taking the action required to fee the school from the suppressive culture that infests the special character the school clearly use to have. It would be fantastic to have to rewrite this blog to a positive conclusion for all and see the BOT finally act in the interests of the school. Click the title for the full artical

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