Who are the Experts on the Novopay Governance Board?

I wrote to the Ministry of Education seeking information on the Novopay Governance Board Members. This Board is made up of Ministry and Talent2 management along with some “Payroll Experts” from the private sector.  The Ministry is being extremely protective of this group and I have uploaded a copy of their response. http://shadow.blogtown.co.nz/files/2012/10/20121012-Rob-Owen-OIA-709797-2.pdf Experience has […]

Change in the wind at Novopay

Fulltime fixed term contract is on offer at the Ministry of Education although it appears they are looking for an internal secondment https://jobs.minedu.govt.nz/jobtools/jncustomsearch.viewFullSingle?

How to Fix Your Novopay Problem , some advice…

Let’s do that now. You can email details of the error in your payment to Leanne Gibson at [email protected] This would be a huge assistance to the Novopay team who will be able to quickly fix the issues you have using their in house payroll experts. It would also relieve her of having to constantly deny knowledge of the numbers in the media and free her up to give more detailed and relevant information.

Novopay makes Illegal Deductions from Education Workers’ Wages.

Novopay have without notice recovered in full the emergency payments made to staff that missed out in the first Novopay round. This in at least one instance has been done without the required notice or consent detailed in the “Wages Protection Act 1983” . The Ministry’s complete inability to communicate with its victims is astounding. As is the complete in ability to provide honest and timely answers to the questions they are asked. It’s time for Leanne Gibson to fall on her sword and make room for a more professional and competent leader. Her continued involvement should bring the Secretary of Education’s position into question. Now is the time to be talking compensation.

Is the Ministry of Education above the Law? it seems they Believe so. The act is very clear

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