Unofficial Blacklisting of Teachers?
I believe this is occurring. Teachers are being bullied out of their jobs on a daily basis and because of the way the education system works if you can’t get a reference from your last school you can’t find another job. Teachers are afraid to speak out or support their colleagues for fear of being the next victim. And all this happens in publicly funded schools. Teacher’s who take their grievances to Mediation or the Employment relations authority (ERA) find they are only negotiating the loss of their job not the loss of their careers and forced into non discloser and secrecy agreements that only seem to control them and leave them fully exposed when they find out the full extent of the problem, sometimes months later. DON’T SIGN A SECRECY OR NON DISCLOSER AGREEMENT covering anything beyond the level of settlement and DON’T SIGN A FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT THAT INCLUDES ANYTHING NOT KNOWN AT THE TIME OF SIGNING detail what is settled. Since starting this blog a few months ago I have received emails from over 100 teachers and the story is nearly always the same “I was bullied, They Lied. I can’t get another job they are still lying, but I can’t defend myself because of the secrecy clause in my settlement”. The changes proposed by the Prime Minister John Key to the employment relations laws will not help this situation just provide another tool for the expansive box bullies already have.
The Report “Understanding Stress and Bullying in New Zealand Workplaces” Produced by Professor Tim Bentley’s team raises some very serious issues for Education institutions and other organisations in NZ. I for one believe that Bullying and abuse in the workplace is not an “employment related matter” it is and should be prosecuted as a criminal matter and this would be far better legislation for the government to address. I would support any call for a Royal Commission of Enquiry into the corruption of our education system and believe this should feed into a larger enquiry over abuse in the workplace. I believe the government should be offering us this as a review of their proposed changes. If you are interested in following up on this contact me and I will add you to the off blog correspondence list where you can contribute.
I must admit I have trouble identifying the role of the Ministry of Education as their sole response to my enquiries has been to avoid and close the correspondence. Compliance with the Ministries guidelines NAGS and NEGS seems to be voluntary as does adherence to the relevant Acts. Complaints relating to this and dishonesty are not investigated and the standard reply is that the BOT “has complete discretion to control the management of the school as it thinks fit” the do have some options under section 7a of the Education Act. But as they lack the will to investigate so this is rarely used. I could trim the fat out of this organisation and save us all a fortune.
Filed under: Back ground, Bullying, Minedu, Minister | Tagged under blacklisted, blacklisting | 6 Comments »