This has been a very quiet month on the Blog

Unfortunately the earthquake in Christchurch has affected the research that backs the claims I make here but hopefully we will soon be back in action.  I still have considerable discomfort at the level of trust and discretion given to unqualified BOT’s and the general level of discretion allowed to principals without any real audit of […]

NZ Ministry of Education completely incompetent to administer the Education Act.

The Ministry of Education don’t want to know they just want to avoid. The guidelines they create are not policed actually every thing they seem to do is a waste of millions of dollars of tax payer money. The education act requires BOTs to be a “good Employer” and the ministry is responsible for administering the Act. But there will be many teachers driven from their careers before the ministry ever performs its responsibilities. We need a Minister prepared to force the issues and do her job the same applies to the secretary. The level of incompetence is amazing and it doesn’t rest with the classroom teachers. It’s in Karen Sewell’s lap and just how do you get past all the apologists to send an email directly to her. Who knows I for one will send them to Anne Tolley delegating to her that responsibility and ask her to pass them on perhaps she knows a direct connection.\\just send it Karen Sewell C/o [email protected] Perhaps she knows how to get Mail to this over paid public servant. Or maybe the Minister will get sick of it and demand her secretary become more available to the people who pay her wages. Or even better get somebody better for the role.

Some Questions that I will be Addressing over the Next Few Months.

NZQA – Why are NZCA Standards not delivered classroom Ready to Teachers? Why are thousands of teacher hours wasted on work that should be centralised?  Ministry of Education – Just what exactly do they do? What are the NEG’s, NAG’s and Guidelines and how enforceable are they?  Who is the real employer in education?  Does […]

Welcome to the new BOT and is it time for a Public Inquiry into Education

Any System of administration must be judged on the on the worst case scenarios it allows to exist. Clearly Tomorrows Schools is open to abuse and there is no will on the part of the Education Review Office (ERO), the Ministry of Education or the Minister of Education Anne Tolley to address any of its failings or to address bullying in the workplace. It is time for at least a ministerial review or have things got so off balance we need a public inquiry and some heads to roll? I for one favour the latter. Click on the Title for the full Post.

Workplace Bullying should be a Criminal Offence

Why are we required to accept abuse at work? The Occupation Health and Safety Act and the ERA and Employment Court don’t draw a line between Physical and Psychological abuse why does our criminal system. I say its out of date and needs a revamp. Abuse is abuse and the employer employee relationship is one of trust it needs to be treated like the other relationships we have. We spend a large proportion of our lives at work we need to be safe. The idea that a victim of abuse is required to investigate it themselves and fund any prosecution is out of date and defies my concept of natural justice. Click on the title for the full Artical

Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Friend or Foe?

How effective is the PPTA and do they have a conflict of interest? Are the contributions made by teachers being spent in their interests or are they subsidising management? Is there denial in the system and who’s responsibility is it to address the issues of workplace bullying in schools?
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LPHS Teacher workload calculations 2009 – Bullying?

NZ Secondary Teacher Workload it can be Measured so there is no reason for overloading. Why isn’t school management doing this and why arn’t the Ministry of Education and the PPTA insisting on measurement?
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Is it safe in schools for teachers

Does the Ministry of Education supports bullying of teacher’s from their careers in NZ? Is the PPTA a lame duck with a conflict of interest in their representation?
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